Monday, April 13, 2009

Your Opinion Counts

Is this cool, little curly flower thingy bugging anyone else? I love this background, but I'm not totally sure about the curly flower thingy. Does it make my post too hard to read?

Please vote in the poll and make my day!

Jadyn funnies ~

Last night, she told her dad she wanted a spoiled egg. Then she changed it to oiled egg. Pretty sure she meant boiled egg.

I wore flip flops today! Hooray for warmer weather! I told Jadyn I needed to buy her some flip flops or sandals, since the weather has warmed up. She said she'd love to have some slip slops. As we were walking down the shoe aisle, she continued to say she needed slip slops. Pretty funny. We ended up with some Croc-like shoes for now. They didn't have the slip slops we liked in her size.

Today in the car, she was trying to tell me about something. I think she realized the point wasn't coming across to me. Then she said, "I don't think moms and kids speak the same language." I just smiled and said, "Oh really?" I wanted to yell, "You've got that right, sister!" :)


Number 6 and no more counting! said...

Yeah for flip flops!

Love the new look.


a Tonggu Momma said...

I'm jealous of your flip flop weather! Glad y'all had such a wonderful Easter with those oiled eggs. Hee hee.

Nancy said...

Are those Croc flops? Slip Crocs? Flip Crocs?

Laura said...

The curly vine is fine. I like the look. I can still read your post.
I can't wait for flip flops!
Oh yeah, and I love oiled eggs LOL! Too funny.. :)

Karen said...

How cute and funny!

Jean said...

Slip slops and oiled eggs- that is so cute!!

I am loving it a little warmer! We have the socks off here at our house- yahoo!!

Thank you for the nice e-mail about Sarah! I think she really likes Jadyn!

Terry said...

So much fun! Jadyn is a Hoot :-) I do like the background too, but I did feel like I wanted to brush those flowers out of my way to read. But it is cute....

Kim said...

Where do these little ones come up with this stuff? Very funny! Although sometimes I do slip in my flip flops :-)