Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Girl Moths

Yes, you read that right.  Our daughter knows how to moth.  I was doing some mopping on Monday, and she wanted to help.  I let her help a bit so she could have a little fun.  I know that for her it's all about pushing the little button that squirts the cleaning solution onto the floor.  :)

So after she mopped, she asked me if I was proud of her that she knew how to moth.  It actually took me a minute to realize that she was referring to her mopping skills.  Ha ha. "Mom, aren't you so proud of me that I know how to moth?"

If anyone needs help with the moth-ing at your home, just let us know.  I'm sure Jadyn would love to help you out.

 Here is Bryan, playing with the Wii.  He's been at it quite a bit yesterday and today when he's not at work.  Believe it or not he's playing baseball.  Who plays Wii baseball lying on the couch??  This really cracked me up.  I guess it just means he's really skilled.  There's no way I could do that.

There's big news with Kaitlyn and Chris.  They are moving to Kansas City for new jobs.  Kaitlyn arrived there today and starts her job tomorrow.  Chris will follow in just a few days with all of the household stuff.
I am happy for them and VERY glad that they are 3 hours closer to us.  3 hours closer!  I've already checked Mapquest, and it's 6 hours, 53 minutes to their place. :)   That is WAY better than 10 hours.  Woot!


Sue said...

that is great about Kaitlyn and Chris. It is a good drive down there, Missouri gets a little boring. Perhaps someday we will both drive down there with our families. We have friends in Olathe KS. I love the Mothing

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

Both your children are super skilled! LOL!

Glad your girl is moving closer my friend.

AND, love, love, love, the new look!


Anonymous said...

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You

Kimmie said...

Moth away girl...and if you want to bring your skill over to Connecticut...we'd glad to have you moth away at our house.

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

Kristy said...

Oh how cute and I would love Jadyn to come over here and help me Moth!!

Love, Kristy